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3 Shoulder Exercises to Build the Best Shoulders!

A set of broad shoulders sits nicely on a man! It allows the male to look strong and stick out. Shoulder training can be difficult but It is more then worth it! I want to show you the Top 3 Shoulder Building exercises and I want to share why they are the best! Shoulders are usually the most helpful when it comes to competing in Bodybuilding and Physique competitions they outline the broadness of the competitor and allow them to stick out!

Everybody want’s that Aesthetic look! Building up some boulder shoulders will help to achieve this, here is 3 exercises you need to focus on during your training routine for Shoulders/Delts. Continue reading 3 Shoulder Exercises to Build the Best Shoulders!

Fitness Blog | Back Day | Abdominal Routine

Coming in heavier, this is as expected I have stopped my strict diet and am sitting on more of a lifestyle gainer diet, just trying to build muscle at an average pace, I will be coming back into a “Shred” diet once the Snow Season is over and Spring has begun, so roughly 2-3 months away.

Today was Back Day, I have been using FST-7 workout routines a lot lately, I have found them to work perfectly and always get me to the point of fatigue and growth. here is today’s routine: Continue reading Fitness Blog | Back Day | Abdominal Routine

Fitness Blog | Arms Day | FST-7 Talk

Good Morning!

Weighing in at 103 kg today, rather high however I do not feel as though I have gained weight! I do not judge myself from a number so having it increase or decrease does not phase me, what phases me is how I look. I encourage everybody to get off the scales and start looking in the mirror to determine your progress! Continue reading Fitness Blog | Arms Day | FST-7 Talk

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Fitness Blog | Back from the Snow Trip | Back Day

Good Morning All!

Sorry about not posting in the last couple of days I have been away on a mini-holiday snowboarding in Australia down at Perisher Valley and Bluecow! Had an absolute blast and enjoyed every moment, Snowboarding is a large passion of mine, same as training and working out.

Back to the daily grind today, into the gym at 4:30 am again for a high volume back training session, here is what I did today: Continue reading Fitness Blog | Back from the Snow Trip | Back Day

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Fitness Blog | Leg Day | 3 Changes to Burn more Fat!

Weigh-In: 102Kg

Dropped the weight down again, due to the extra cardio! However instead of completing the cardio at the gym I went for a run with a mate around the local lake (12Kms). My knees started to take a beating which I haven’t noticed before, So I think I will head over to the shops and grab some Knee braces before I go running again.

Today I hit Leg Day, It’s a bit early in the week for me to do a Leg Day however it had to be done so that my legs weren’t exhausted for the snowboarding trip coming this week.

Switched It up a little bit today, It’s a good thing to switch up your workouts gives the body and muscles a shock and stimulates growth. Here’s what I did this morning: Continue reading Fitness Blog | Leg Day | 3 Changes to Burn more Fat!