Motivation: 3 Tips to Increase your Daily Productivity! | Fitness Blog

Dropping in with 3 Tips to ensure you have a more successful and productive day!

1. Plan!

Plan your day before it starts as much as possible! Be proactive and know exactly what you need and want to accomplish today, Visualize how your day will go, list the main tasks that you want to accomplish, Prioritize! Put the list in your Phone on your Reminders App, or Write it down and Tick them off as you go.

I Plan my day mentally every night, and sometimes I am able to plan a few days in advance. My day typically is get up at 4:45 am and hit the gym until roughly 7:00 am then its straight into the shower and then off to work! Once I’m at work I create a list of tasks I need to complete and a List of tasks I want to complete throughout my work day, I will not leave work until they are all complete! I’ll write down any task! After work, It’s home and into the kitchen to cook up some meals for the next day and for dinner as well. I will generally review my day and plan my next day in my head around now, I generally then try and sleep by around 9:00 pm. That is my typical day.

2. Study/Catch Up

Before emails start pouring in or your phone starts vibrating constantly, try and start your day by reading the news catching up with the world and checking in on some blogs get some extra tips for the day start that imagination or idea generation rolling, this sets a good tone for the rest of the day.

When I get to work I typically will check Bloomberg, Forbes and and read up on the new articles or anything that is of interest to me, this stimulates me and gives me some new ideas throughout the day, also increases my knowledge of what everybody else is doing and keeps me on top.

3. Get Rid of Unnecessary Distractions

Distractions are the enemy, they will take you away from what you have set out to complete. Distractions are tasks you did not intend to complete or they weren’t perhaps on your list? Distractions can also be people. Obviously we aren’t arseholes, so you can’t completely ignore people. I’d try and save your socializing for lunch time. Working in a quiet room or training with your headphones on blocks out the possiblity of distractions and in turn will increase your productivity.

If you have your list, your knowledge and no distractions there’s no way you can’t complete that list! Motivate yourself or find some motivation if your lacking it and go and complete it NOW!

Heres a quote from Jim Rohn, “Either you run the day! or your day will run you!”.

Thanks for reading!


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